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HTTP Headers

Request Headers

These HTTP Headers are sent to the server to provide some metadata to the resource.

Optional, Not Suggested

  • Accept: For technical reasons beyond my control at this time, this header is completely ignored by the resources. Use the resource's 'output' parameter instead to define the data format for the content returned by the resource.


    If you simply MUST send an Accept header, try '*/*' first.

    If that doesn't work, 'application/json' should.

Response Headers

These HTTP Headers are returned to the user to provide some metadata regarding the resource's response.

Always Returned

  • X-API-Resource: The resource that was called.


    X-API-Resource: characters
  • X-API-Response-Content-Length: How many characters are returned by the resource.


    X-API-Response-Content-Length: 726

Sometimes Returned

  • Link: If the output format is set to "json" or "xml", then the "describedby" link will be sent to indicate where the JSON or XML Schema document can be found.


    Link: <>; rel="describedby"